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Common Questions from our Clients

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

  • I want a tattoo but I am on a limited budget. How do you determine pricing?
    First rule of deciding your tattoo- focus on what you want rather than how much it will cost you! Pricing must always be secondary to your concept. Even if you're on a budget, worry you not. We will work on a size and design that works for YOU as well as us. We would hate to see you opting out of a tattoo experience because of budget constraints. Our focus is on creating and giving out an experience to our clients that they will cherish forever. Though, we do not entertain bargaining in ANY form, we can always work out something that suits you. Our CLIENT is our PRIORITY.
  • Do you also do tattoo in color?
    YES! We do all sorts of colour tattoos, whether illustrative, realistic or even watercolour tattoos. Hit us up if you have a cool colour tattoo idea on your mind!
  • Do you sell all the aftercare products I'll need?
    Yup! All the tattoo products and services can be found here, all you have to do is come on over!

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  We have answers! Get in Touch now  

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